I I N N T T E E R R N N A A T T I I O O N N A A L L S S C C I I E E N N T T I I F F I I C C P P E E E E R R - - R R E E V V I I E E W W E E D D J J O O U U R R N N A A L L



The European Green Deal is an attempt to transform the European Union’s economy in order to achieve climate neutrality by 2050.


This is to counteract undesirable climate change and environmental degradation. In this context, an interesting question is the role of new technologies in the implementation of the European Green Deal. In order to be able to answer this research question, this study is divided into few parts. The first one is an introduction to the analysed issues. The second part presents the basic assumptions of the European Green Deal. The third part presents how new technologies can help in the implementation of European Green Deal strategy. The study ends with a summary containing the conclusions of the conducted research.


Keywords: European Green Deal, New Technologies, European Union.


The UN Summit on Climate Change in Paris was held in 2015, at which the Framework Convention was signed by many countries around the world, including Georgia. The document is the basis of the EU Green Agreement, which was approved in 2019 and which doubles the commitment of Georgia, a member of the Eastern Partnership, to promote a green economy and culture, which not only is not the case but on the example of Namakhvani HPP reveals the fact that the country has been arranged according to a wrong economic model.


Cinema is the medium that has the most outstanding ability to reorganize the world and, therefore, has great potential. Cinema, as the screen of discourses best reflects a culture that stands out from the point of view of consumer values alike to ordinary people and nature, the environment, ecology. Marx’s theory of fetishism, which has evolved since the advent of the term ideology, well explains the attitude of the culture towards natural (or human) resources.


We must not forget that a culture that is a conglomerate of discourses, and like discourses, it is produced by ideology (superstructure). Ideology possesses the intellectual levers through which the dominant forces, the classes, are established by presenting the values of this class as the “norm”. Culture, therefore, is directed to save the verticals of power by concealing problems, or by telling incomplete truth. Nevertheless, it is a culture that implies confrontation with the laws of nature and discourses based on those laws. However, first and foremost, capitalist ideology seeks to adapt thought systems to itself, including culture.


Georgian cinema has always had an ideological line, but in the 1960’s the process of devaluation of communism in intellectual and creative circles shifted the focus to the problem of individualism. For example, in several of Merab Kokochashvili’s films, the mainline is drawn between the relationship of the individual and the environment, where the apparatus (state) is presented only as a clear source of evil. It is regulations that create the environmental context that is the only way to stop profit-oriented destructive systems. Neither competition nor individual or corporate responsibility can solve ecological disasters and human exploitation problems.


In modern Georgian cinema, there are more and more attempts to extract a broader holistic picture of the impact on the environment. Salome Jashi explores the whim of the richest Georgian – the passion for arranging a dendrological park with centuries-old trees, which is a class catastrophe along with an ecological catastrophe. Alexander Koberidze’s “What do we see when we look at the sky?” asks the main question, “What do we answer our children” when they discover that they live in an unjust world that is sacrificed to the greed of a small number of people in power.


Keywords: political art; The logic of capitalism; Environmental protection; Contemporary Georgian cinema.


The European Commission’s set of policy initiatives, whose main objective is to achieve climate neutrality in Europe by 2050, is often put against the economic interests of the Member States, especially in the context of the labour market. Many economists, politicians and trade unionist question whether economic growth, job security and climate neutrality in Europe are compatible. To answer this question, the paper is divided into several parts. The first part presents the main principles of the European Green Deal. The second part confronts the costs of introducing new solutions with the unimaginable losses that Europe may incur if the analysed measures are not taken. The third part of the study critically examines the costs and benefits of the European Green Deal from the perspective of the European labour market. The conclusion of the study puts the lie to the erroneous hypothesis of a collision between the European Green Deal and the efficiency of the labour market in Europe.


Keywords: European Green Deal, labour market, employment, climate neutrality.


Energy is a key field of not only economic, ecological, climatic, but also political challenges and risks of modernity. Special attention is paid to the energy sector in the context of global climate change. Increasing the use of solar, wind, hydropower, geothermal energy and biomass will reduce greenhouse gas emissions and switch to fossil fuel-based economies of clean sources. The European Union- goals to replace traditional energy with renewables – are becoming more ambitious each time. The “Global Green Agreement”, which should be the basis of the EU’s economic vision, provides additional incentives for this. In the paper has been conducted an energy economic analysis of Georgian energy; Have been discussed the target indicators and characteristics of the energy sector; The most important tasks of energy security, energy saving and raising the level of energy efficiency is formulated; The directions to solve these problems are outlined in this work.


Second of all, Georgia should try to engage in a series of radical, revolutionary changes known as the “4th Energy Transition.” With this transition, the use of fossil fuels will be reduced to a minimum in the next 10 years, and in 2050 the correction of “carbon neutral” energies around the world is announced. The use of solar and wind energy requires backup capacities, the cheapest source of which is again hydropower. In the paper we have substantiated and analyzed the most important issues of the need to develop hydropower resources and give recommendations based on research. In our opinion, in order to deepen political and economic relations with the EU, it is important to gradually bring Georgian legislation closer to the European one, which will help establish a concrete, transparent and efficient energy market model, create an attractive and stable investment environment, develop energy resources through the development of renewable energy resources and the implementation of energy efficiency measures.


On the other perspective the Green Agreement” of Europe is a long-term path to the transition to a lowcarbon economy, in accordance with the terms of the Paris Agreement. It envisions Europe as the first carbon neutral continent by 2050. To achieve this goal, the EU plans to reduce emissions by 50% by 2030 compared to 1990. Naturally, this can only be achieved through the adoption and implementation of relevant strategic documents and decisions. Accordingly, our paper discusses the main essence of the Green Agreement, the challenges associated with its implementation and its impact on the future of the Eastern Partnership, especially Georgia.


Keywords: Energy legislation, Energy security, Emissions Reduction, Renewable Energy Resources.


Modernization of Georgian economy is quite difficult and nonreversible process. Despite of some success of country’s economic transformation, legal or market reforms, the country still stands to a number of challenges. In last decade, the idea of green economy, green growth and inclusive development of economic have become much more popular.


The idea of green economy is based on the sustainable development of the economy and values it on the basis to its natural capital. Georgia is rich in natural resources, including biodiversity, water and mineral resources and landscape diversity. Consequently, country has a great potential for long-term sustainable economic development in areas such as energy, agriculture, transport, tourism and forestry. According to GGND analysis, these sectors are identified as faster yield, both economically and environmentally. For reaching these preconditions is the preparation of specific policies and legislative documents and then harmonization then with EU legislation.


These processes are accompanied by ne policy initiated by European Union, which is known as “European Green Deal.” The main aim of this new imitative is making European continent a climate-neutral by 2050.


It represents a completely new vision of establishing a new European order, which may have a major impact on its neighborhood, including Georgia. What economic impact should have European “Green Deal” on Georgian economy depends on the transformation degree of country’s economy and its transformability and compatibility with the EU economy. Here some important factors should be considered: what impact will have Green Deal on Georgian-EU relations in terms of deep and comprehensive free trade agreement? The second and even more important fact is: what impact should have European Green Deal on Georgian economy in the context of formation opportunities of green economy. These processes are analyzed in this article, are outlined ways and relevant recommendations are developed.


Key words: European Union, Green Deal, Green economy, Green growth.


The European Green Deal is the largest economic correction in the history of the EU. Professionals and experts speak about this project during conferences, international meetings, in media and through other channels of communication, but how many people who are not closely related to the field of economics, innovation and science understand the importance of this project? How high is the level of awareness associated with this issue among the other audience – among the active players of this game aimed at improving the environment? A huge number of professionals in the industry are working to find solutions and paths to achieve the Green Deal goals, and, of course, all the scientific representatives who is interlinked with this area strongly support the ideas. But what about young people who are not in the industry – the generation whose role it is to turn ideas into reality? How important and influential is consumer awareness in the context of the European Green Deal course?


In order to analyse this issue, the authors consider it important to reveal the topic of the relevance of the problem, consumer behaviour and sustainable mindset from not a strict scientific perspective and paradigm, but from a popular-scientific way. To delve into the study in more detail, the article describes the analysis of the hypothesis of the prism of awareness through the illusion of explanatory depth for young people, who are potential consumers, as well as the engines of the propagation of the movement. . Competent dissemination of information and a positive impact on the young segment in order to increase the level of awareness of environmental aspects is considered to be very important right now, but to what extent are young people, creators of change, are aware of it right now?


Keywords: the European Green Deal, the illusion of explanatory depth, greenwashing, awareness, sustainability.


The UN recognizes Green Growth and Green Economy as important factors for sustainable development. The Government of Georgia considers the Green Economy as one of the main means of the future development of the country and announces an initiative to implement voluntary measures to promote sustainable development. In this regard, it is essential to promote the ecosystem services, clean production, environmental education and green jobs. Green Economy and Green Growth require the involvement of the whole community. The transition to environmentally friendly activities is not carried out rapidly as Green Growth is a versatile and complex issue and requires a certain level of public awareness together with other factors.


In recent years, the awareness of the population of different countries has shown a growing interest towards the problem of damaging the nature caused by the production, exploitation and utilization of various goods. From an ecological point of view, change of structures of irrational production and consumption will become one of the strategic directions of social development. However, the focus on eco-friendly production must be strengthened by recognizing its profitability and enabling the enterprise to receive both direct financial benefits – through the reduction of raw material costs, waste recycling, insurance and liability, and indirect ones – through more efficient environmental marketing and public opinion.


Green marketing strategies are expensive and complicated and its successful implementation requires a lot of effort. Firms with green strategies can make a profit if they are able to attain the desired target positions in the minds of consumers towards the green brand in the market. Those green strategies tend to become more successful which are oriented on association, more credibility, enhanced perception of brand quality and brand loyalty among the target groups. It is no coincidence that the effects of these four communications (i.e., brand associations, credibility (or trust), quality, and loyalty) represent the customer-based brand equity.


Keywords: environmental awareness, green growth, green economy, bio-product, effectiveness, product consumption.