I I N N T T E E R R N N A A T T I I O O N N A A L L S S C C I I E E N N T T I I F F I I C C P P E E E E R R - - R R E E V V I I E E W W E E D D J J O O U U R R N N A A L L



The UN recognizes Green Growth and Green Economy as important factors for sustainable development. The Government of Georgia considers the Green Economy as one of the main means of the future development of the country and announces an initiative to implement voluntary measures to promote sustainable development. In this regard, it is essential to promote the ecosystem services, clean production, environmental education and green jobs. Green Economy and Green Growth require the involvement of the whole community. The transition to environmentally friendly activities is not carried out rapidly as Green Growth is a versatile and complex issue and requires a certain level of public awareness together with other factors.


In recent years, the awareness of the population of different countries has shown a growing interest towards the problem of damaging the nature caused by the production, exploitation and utilization of various goods. From an ecological point of view, change of structures of irrational production and consumption will become one of the strategic directions of social development. However, the focus on eco-friendly production must be strengthened by recognizing its profitability and enabling the enterprise to receive both direct financial benefits – through the reduction of raw material costs, waste recycling, insurance and liability, and indirect ones – through more efficient environmental marketing and public opinion.


Green marketing strategies are expensive and complicated and its successful implementation requires a lot of effort. Firms with green strategies can make a profit if they are able to attain the desired target positions in the minds of consumers towards the green brand in the market. Those green strategies tend to become more successful which are oriented on association, more credibility, enhanced perception of brand quality and brand loyalty among the target groups. It is no coincidence that the effects of these four communications (i.e., brand associations, credibility (or trust), quality, and loyalty) represent the customer-based brand equity.


Keywords: environmental awareness, green growth, green economy, bio-product, effectiveness, product consumption.