I I N N T T E E R R N N A A T T I I O O N N A A L L S S C C I I E E N N T T I I F F I I C C P P E E E E R R - - R R E E V V I I E E W W E E D D J J O O U U R R N N A A L L


The Battle for Semiconductor Technology: The Tense China-US-Taiwan Triangle and Escalation's Hidden Threat

It will not be an exaggeration to say that the 21st century is hard to imagine without modern computers, cell phones or “smart technologies”, the role of which and the dependence of people on them in everyday life is growing rapidly. Besides, the world is unimaginable without largely discussed 5G technology and its impact on industry or labor market, which together with the economic activity is closely linked to the military industry, the development of which is impossible without free access to microchips or modern high-tech components. Yet, while using different technologies, we rarely think about the ABCs of the production of its components. If we take a closer look at the situation in the current market, we will be convinced that they bear not just economic, but the greatest geopolitical and strategic load as well, that may be compared with oil and gas, however, the difference is the semiconductors can’t be substituted by the alternative sources. These seemingly small squares hold a mysterious power so crucial to our civilization that stopping their production for any reason paralyzes the economy across the planet. In that respect it became especially obvious after the end of the Covid-19 pandemic, when microchip shortages have disrupted manufacturing processes and global supply chains; what’s more, a number of high-tech industries were completely paralyzed.

Therefore, the leading countries while engaged in the technological competition and marathon spare no effort and trying to expand their spheres of influence in the global production chain of semiconductors and micro or nano technologies.

This article reviews the current situation in the world in that respect and how it is changing not only the world of microelectronics, but also politics. It focuses on how the pandemic and chip shortages have turned Taiwan’s largely anonymous services company TSMC (Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Company) into the center of a global battle for future technologies. It also shows the tense situation between China and the United States and Taiwan, and how acute and sensitive it is for China to “return” Taiwan to become the absolute leader in the production of microchips, not to mention security, because in the event of the deployment of Chinese military bases there, the entire chain of islands and the nearest water Space control will be secured.

The modern trends of globalization are complexly changing the security environment and the future will show what happens tomorrow, however, we want to believe that all countries involved in the above-mentioned processes will still be able to find common ground, which will ultimately ensure the prevention of new military conflicts and innocent life loss.

Keywords: Semiconductors, “Smart Technologies”, China, Taiwan, Microchip Manufacturing, “Silicon Shield”.