I I N N T T E E R R N N A A T T I I O O N N A A L L S S C C I I E E N N T T I I F F I I C C P P E E E E R R - - R R E E V V I I E E W W E E D D J J O O U U R R N N A A L L


Study of the Migration and Psychological State of Internally Displaced Persons

As a consequence of the conflicts occurred in 1990, Abkhazia and in 2008, South Ossetia, up to half million Georgian citizens were forced to leave their places of residence. The sufferers of the armed conflicts had to cope with bad socio-political situation and its accompanying crises, which is considered to have negative affect on the psychological state of the internally displaced persons. They often suffer psychological distress, which might have long-term destructive impact on the quality of their life, the index of social integration and general well-being. The research objective included the study of the migration processes of internally displaced persons and their psychological state. Using the tools adapted to Georgian population, through the quantitative research method, it was managed to determine the level of resilience, life orientation, depression, migration and anxiety. The results of this study will build valuable knowledge in terms of the psychological state of refugees, migration processes, social integration and difficulties associated with adaptation in the new environment. The analysis of the received data will provide significant help for the professionals working in the direction of mental health and the groups, whose activities are oriented to supporting the people living in the conflict zone and strengthening them through services.

Keywords: Internal Displacement; Psychological state; Migration Processes; Stress Resilience.