I I N N T T E E R R N N A A T T I I O O N N A A L L S S C C I I E E N N T T I I F F I I C C P P E E E E R R - - R R E E V V I I E E W W E E D D J J O O U U R R N N A A L L


Environmental Challenges and the Role of Media

The document “Environmental Challenges and the Role of Media” explores the critical role media plays in addressing global environmental issues, emphasizing the importance of sustainable development as outlined by the United Nations’ 2030 Agenda. It discusses the significant impact of climate change and related natural disasters, using examples such as the landslide in Shovi and the flooding in Guria and the explosion in Kakhovka., to illustrate the urgency of effective media coverage. It investigates the media’s role in informing the public about climate change and environmental crises, identifying gaps in coverage and the media’s tendency to focus on sensational events rather than preventive measures. Through in-depth interviews with field experts, journalists, and surveys of Georgian citizens, the research reveals a need for more comprehensive, accurate, and preventive reporting on environmental issues. Recommendations include enhancing journalists’ training, improving public education, and developing specific media standards to better address and communicate environmental challenges in Georgia.

Keywords: Climate Change, Environmental Challenges, Ecological Crises, Media Role, Media Standards, Public Awareness, Environmental Education