I I N N T T E E R R N N A A T T I I O O N N A A L L S S C C I I E E N N T T I I F F I I C C P P E E E E R R - - R R E E V V I I E E W W E E D D J J O O U U R R N N A A L L


Methods Of Using Historical and Scientific Materials in Mathematics Education

Modern society increasingly demands graduates equipped with a deep worldview and a solid foundation of knowledge, skills, and competencies. Throughout their education, students are exposed to the fundamentals of various sciences, including mathematics, for eleven years. Given that mathematics is one of the core subjects in secondary education, it is imperative that students not only master the methods of computation and logical reasoning but also deeply engage with mathematical concepts through historical contexts. This paper explores the integration of historical and scientific materials into mathematics education, emphasizing their significance in enriching the learning experience. By utilizing historical facts and narratives, educators can present mathematics as a dynamic and evolving discipline, fostering a sense of connection between students and the subject matter. The research indicates that the incorporation of historical materials enhances students’ conceptual understanding, critical thinking skills, and mathematical modeling abilities. Furthermore, it promotes a broader appreciation for mathematics as an essential component of personal culture and societal development. This study aims to provide educators and prospective students with strategies to leverage historical resources, thereby transforming mathematics into a vibrant field of inquiry. Through this approach, we seek to cultivate a generation of learners who view mathematics not only as a set of abstract concepts but also as a rich, contextualized discipline that reflects human thought and innovation over time.

Keywords: History of mathematics, content of historical and scientific materials, geometric methods of solving equations, proof of identities using geometric methods, lune and its area, content requirements, geometric methods of solving equations, proof of identities using geometric methods.

AMS Subject Classification:  97E50 – Mathematics education, 97C30 – Curriculum and pedagogy in mathematics, 97D40 – Teaching methods and instructional strategies, 01A30 – History of mathematics, 97K10 – Use of technology in teaching mathematics.